Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting Ready For Bed

I am watching my nieces Jaiden and Alaina (my sister Patsy's kids) tonight and part of tomorrow. My sister and her husband are getting on a plane to Jamaica tonight. Bed time was a little busier tonight. 4 little girls to bathe, 4 little bodies to dress, 4 sets of teeth to brush, 4 heads of hair to blow dry, 3 little girls to take potty and 1 diaper to change, and 4 little girls to put to bed. Oh, and don't forget 4 sippy cups to fill, can't go to bed with out those or stuffed animals for all 4. The girls have so much fun when they are together!!

Mikayla, Jaiden, Alaina and Alyssa just after their baths

Friday, September 26, 2008

Watching A Movie

Today I watched my nephew Jacob for a couple of hours while my sister-in-law Luisa(my brother Oscars wife) went to the salon. Luisa dropped Jacob off in the morning. Mikayla likes company during the day, especially since she is all alone while her sisters are in school. Mikayla and Jacob were watching the disney movie "Dinosaur." They were both sitting in these little kid chairs covered in blankets and very much into their movie. I just thought it was to cute.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getting Our Hair Done

Natalie (Clint's cousin) came over to our house today to cut and color hair. Natalie has been doing my hair for over 3 years now and I just love how she does my hair. She definitely had her hands full today. She cut, highlighted and colored my aunts hair, cut and highlighted my hair, and cut my moms, Taylor's, Jordan's, Alyssa's and Mikayla's hair. Thanks Natalie! Your Awesome!

Natalie and Mikalya

Alyssa getting her hair cut

Natalie coloring my Aunt Sonya's hair

Natalie and Taylor. Natalie had a date tonight, so she got ready at our house. She is getting ready to leave on her date! She looked very pretty!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Our visit to Dr. Lason Barney's Office

Well today the kids only went to school for two hours and then we pulled them out to go to the dentist. Except for Taylor stayed in school all day, she had volleyball pictures after school today and she also had practice. She didn't want to miss pictures and she was afraid that if she missed parictice she would miss playing time at her next game. Taylor will have to go on our next trip back. We drove to Wilcox which is three hours from our house to go see Lason (Clints step-brother). He is a dentist and he has an office in Wilcox, AZ. Clints mom and Step-dad (Phyllis and Leland) have been married for about 16 or 17 yrs now. When they married Phyllis had 5 kids and Leland had 8 kids, so together they have 13 children. Clint has lots of siblings, but it is great. When we get together at Christmas it is definitely a full house. Anyway, Lason was so great, and his staff was also very nice. We kept him busy all afternoon. Lason has a TV in his office and the kids hung out in their while all the dental work was done. Mikayla and Alyssa had tons of cavities. I think they inherited those Cluff teeth. Mikayla had 8 and Alyssa had 6, Jordan had none and Clint and myself each had one. Mikayla and Alyssa have to go back for one more visit, Lason was only able to fix half of there cavities. It is hard for little kids to hold still for that long. My kid were so excited because Lason's office gave them little bags with princess toothburshes, toothpaste, a small hourglass and they got to pick toys out of the treasure box. They love their bags, and they make sure to use their hourglass when brushing their teeth. I didn't realize how long they should be brushing until we started using the hourglass. Thank You Lason!! It sure is nice to have such wonderful family!

Mikayla in the dental chair, getting ready for x-rays.

Alyssa in the dental chair waiting to have her cavities filled

Jordan in the dental chair right after getting her x-rays.

Alyssa getting her teeth worked on.

Clint getting his tooth worked on. Clint hates going to the dentist. His gavity was huge, He had a hole in his tooth.

The girls were talking to Lason just before we left

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Taylor's Volleyball Team Wins!

Taylors volleyball team won their first match today. They lost the first two matches last week. As you know the best 2 out of 3 games wins the match. Today Taylors team won the 1st game, lost the second and won the third for a victory! Taylor played great! I think the parents get more nervous than the kids.
Taylor and her team mates getting ready to go in for the 3rd game
Diving and saving the ball

Hitting the ball over

Team work. The girl behind Taylor hit the ball and then Taylor hit it after her and made it over the net.

Fall Dance Classes Begin

Today Jordan, Alyssa and Mikayla started the fall dance session. This is a recital session, so they will be performing in a recital in December. Mikayla was especially excited because this was her 1st day ever in dance. She has been watching her older sisters go to dance just waiting until she was old enough to go. They have to be three to go to class. She did great today, she kept saying how much she loved it. Alyssa was excited to start up again after summer. Jordan was just born to dance, she loves it so much. She has such grace and she can memorize any routine you teach her in no time. The three of them had a great time today!
Mikayla getting ready for her 1st day of dance class
Mikayla is in the same dance class as Jaiden (My sister Patsy's daughter).

Alyssa standing in line getting ready to go into class.

Jordan was showing me part of a routine they learned in class today.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My 34th Birthday

Today was my 34th birthday. I can't believe it. My girls and Clint made me a great breakfast this morning. I then received my presents and my cards, very sweet. We then went to the lake for the day! We love the lake! My parents and my sibling all called me on my birthday to wish me a great day. My brothers were in Vegas for a concert and they even called me. We went to my parents house the next day for my birthday dinner. I have been very blessed in my life and I am so thankful for my family and for all that the Lord has blessed me with!
Me, Taylor and Jordan on the wave runner. Taylors friend Jenifer on the tube. Jenifer came with us today. She is a great girl and a good friend of Taylors. She has no siblings so she loves hanging out with our family.

Clint, Alyssa and Mikayla on the other wave runner

Clint and Jordan pulling the tube with Jenifer and Taylor on it.

Jordan riding on the tube.

Clint and Jordan pulling Taylor and Jenifer.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mexico Vacation

We went to the beach in Mexico for the Labor Day Weekend with Clint's family. Our kids just love it. We spend all day Playing in the ocean or on the beach, riding quads, riding wave runners, gathering sea shells or just relaxing. Clints mom and step-dad (Phyllis and Leland) own some property right on the beach. Leland brings all the food down and him and the boys do the cooking, the food was great! My girls think that Grandpa Barney (Leland) is the funnest. He let Taylor and Jordan drive his Durango down the beach while he sat in the passangers seat. Lason (Clints Step-brother) brought down some fire works, so we had a night full of fun letting them off. Over all we had a great time. Our kids said that the weekend went by to fast!

Taylor giving Grandpa Barney a ride
Alyssa smiling for the camera
Mikayla Posing

Taylor getting ready for a spin on the wave runner.
Jordan playing in the ocean.
Jordan Posing.
Taylor Posing.
The Cluff Clan

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

My oldest three girls started school about 3 weeks ago. The summer just flew by. Mikayla is my only one left at home. I was not ready for Alyssa to leave me this year, but what can you do. Many tears flowed that day. I asked Alyssa if she wanted to stay home with me for one more year and she said " Mom I have to go to school, I need to learn." What can you do? She wants to be just like her big sisters and go to school. She just loves school and her teacher. Mikayla is having a little bit of an adjustment. Alyssa and Mikayla played so well together during the day and now Mikayla has lost her playmate. By 9AM she is ready and asking to go pick up Alyssa. Jordan has started 5th grade. She made the news crew as an anchor. Tuesday mornings is her day to broadcast the school news. She really enjoys it. Taylor has started 7th grade. She likes her classes and teachers this year. She tried out for the Volleyball team and made it. Her team voted on two team captains and she was voted as one of them. She really enjoys playing volleyball and being part of the team.

The girls on the first day of school. Our school has uniforms.(navy blue or khaki bottoms and hunter green, navy blue, white or gray shirts)